Artist Statement
The organic textures found in nature create a dynamic tension with the surfaces and structures we build in our daily lives. My work is an exploration of what shows through the cracks in our veneer and confounds the structures we build. The grids, the walls, the order we seek to create are in a dynamic tension with the passion and flow of our souls. This tension constantly gives testimony that there is something more beneath our surfaces. I am ever seeking that thin space where the physical and the spiritual kiss.
I’m intrigued by light and the way it reflects off of and through our multiple surfaces. I’m on a quest to find the light and I stand in awe of such artists as J.M.W. Turner, John Singer Sargeant and Mark Rothko,who for some brief moments seemed to capture it.
My art practice mixes the ancient with the contemporary. I work with mineral pigments, egg tempera, and beeswax, making my own paint from ground pigments.
Other Stuff About Me: I work in mixed media and painting and widely exhibit and sell my work. I earned my MFA from UW-Madison and work professionally as a designer for print and web media as well as a fine artist. I’ve taught classes and workshops through college, public schools and community arts programs. I currently live in Madison, WI and am a member of Wisconsin Visual Artists and International Encaustic Artists (IEA).